We are specialized in injection, assembly and quaolity control of plastic parts for the automotive, constructions and medical fields. We believe in attentiveness and reactivity.
Our team will guide you through designing your projects and subcontracting your products.
We will search for the most suited solution to your needs, in the shortest time.
The company is historically implemented in France (the Vosges) and more recently in Tunisia – nearby Tunis; VIP benefits from the synergy of both teams, for high quality products.
Plastic injection
Plastic injection is our main skill, at the heart of our activity. We are able to produce parts for all industries.
Pad Printing
Our clients’ specific products are not always printable with classical methods. That is where we propose our pad printing skills.
Quality control
Sometimes, specific controlling methods are required for specific products. It is the specialty of our control teams who work with special equipment, adapted to client needs.
Camera vison control
Camera vison control is fast and extremely accurate. It allows us to control a large amount of parts in very short time and for highest quality.
Design of Parts and Machines
The VIP support begins with the design and prototype of your parts. The support can go as far as the conception of specific production machines.
A history of passion
Vosges Injection Plastique (VIP) is a family company seated in Fraize, on the industrial site of the Secs Prés. The company started in 2001.
The small business grew and evolved. During the past 15 years, VIP invested in production tools allowing to diversify the activity, while building a durable success.
VIP expanded its skills and technicality. Today we can answer a large range of needs in various fields.
VIP takes advantage of the company heritage while preserving its family roots and staying focused on future challenges.